
Battery Information

Can I simply replace my battery on European autos?

Many European auto's (BMW/Mercedes) require that a new battery be logged into the computer  control system. Replacing a battery without resetting the auto control system can lead to overcharging and failure of the battery and entire electrical charging system. Some auto supply stores simply replace the battery on these autos and do NOT properly configure auto control systems.

How does heat affect my battery?
Hot weather means high temperatures under the hood, which accelerates  corrosion inside the battery. It can also cause water to evaporate out  of the battery's liquid electrolyte. This can result in decreased  battery capacity, a weakened ability to start an engine and, ultimately,  shorter battery life. 

Battery Safety

Lead-acid batteries contain hydrogen-oxygen gases than can be explosive  and sulfuric acid that can cause severe burns. To help avoid risk of  danger and injury, observe these precautions when handling or working  with a lead-acid battery:

  • Wear proper clothing to protect your face, hands and body. 
  • Make sure work area is well-ventilated. 
  • Never lean over battery while jump-starting testing or charging. 
  • Cigarettes, flames or sparks could cause a battery to explode. Keep all ignition sources away from the battery. 
  • Remove all hand and wrist jewelry. Jewelry could make an  electrical contact and cause severe burns by coming in contact with the  terminals. 
  • Always shield eyes and face from battery. 
  •  Do not charge or use booster cables or adjust post connections without proper instructions and training. 

 How Can I Tell My Battery's Age?
The age of a car battery can be determined using the battery date code.  The battery date code is a two digit code stamped into the cover as part  of a longer code or on a label on the top or side of the battery. The  battery date code indicates when the battery was shipped from the  manufacturing plant and is read as follows:

Letter - indicates in which month the battery was manufactured (Example: A is January, B is February, C is March, etc)

Digit - indicates the year in which the battery was manufactured (Example: 9 for 2009, 0 for 2010, 1 for 2011, etc)

For example, an automotive battery date code that starts with "B1" would  be February, 2011.  In February 2017, this battery would be 72 month  old 

*ANSI - American National Standards Institute